Systems-Change Grants
The 2025 Systems-Change Grant process is closed. HLF’s grantmaking guidelines and timelines for 2026 will be shared in Fall 2025.
HLF’s Systems-Change Grants provide funding to identify, learn, and address upstream conditions that impact health outcomes and create disparities for Lakewood residents. Simply put, systems-change proposals seek to change the status quo by utilizing data, coalitions/collaborations, policy proposals, community input, and/or evidence-based methods to improve a social determinant(s) of health.
Funding opportunities are available for those organizations that prioritize advancing health equity and working with populations that are marginalized in Lakewood. Applicants may request funding to support the following initiatives:
- Strengthening local collaborations
- Research
- Advocacy (within IRS guidelines for 501(c)(3) organizations)
- Policy reforms
- Voter/community education
- Improving caretaking systems for vulnerable populations
- Community engagement efforts to inform public decision-making
- Capacity building
Certain criteria will guide HLF’s review of the proposals:
- Promotes Equity: Efforts will mitigate disparities (ex. health, economic, racial, gender, etc.)
- Leadership/Organizational Capacity: There is current capacity or expanded capacity written into the proposal for the effort.
- Immediacy: The effort can be realistically initiated or progressed (within the next year).
- Stakeholder Support: There is public/stakeholder support for the effort.
- Investment: The funding request is reasonable for the work proposed.
- Complimentary: There are partners or existing efforts to engage on this issue.
- Impact: There is community benefit from the effort.
Funding will vary between $10,000 and $75,000. Funding may be requested for up to two years.
HLF staff members welcome and encourage discussion on proposal ideas and questions. To schedule a meeting, please reach out to Kate Ingersoll, Executive Director, at
Systems-Change Grant funding supports programming that addresses one or more of these specific social determinants of health:
The following populations are prioritized for this funding:
Food security and access to affordable high-quality food.
Social support and community engagement networks.
Access to early childhood education programs and services.
Affordable and safe housing, access to transportation, and safety in and access to public spaces within Lakewood.
Low-income families with an emphasis on single-parent heads of households
Children (ages 0-5)
Youth (ages 6-18)
Low-income older adults (ages 60 and over)
Immigrants and refugees
Eligible grant seeking organizations do not need to be headquartered in Lakewood. However, HLF will only support programs in which Lakewood residents or Lakewood-based institutions are either key beneficiaries or directly served.
HLF will not ask for an accounting of each individual served but rather assumes that the applicant’s proposed program seeks to specifically serve certain identified populations in Lakewood while recognizing that a range of people may be served generally.
Applications must be submitted by a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that is in good standing with the IRS. Projects initiated by groups without 501(c)(3) status may be supported through a fiscal sponsor.
The following activities are not eligible for Systems-Change Grants funding:
→ General operating support
→ Capital campaigns
→ Fundraising events or event sponsorships
→ Lobbying
→ Program advertising
→ Scholarships
→ Religious organizations for religious or evangelical purposes – HLF considers funding to faith-based organizations for program or project expenses related to providing a benefit to the community beyond its own membership. We do not fund operations, staffing, or overhead costs of these organizations.
The 2025 Systems-Change Grant process is closed. HLF’s grantmaking guidelines and timelines for 2026 will be shared in Fall 2025.
At anytime, please email with questions and for technical assistance.
⇒ Determine the population(s) that will be most directly impacted by the program.
⇒ Identify a program that addresses one of the prioritized social determinants of health in Lakewood.
⇒ If not part of a non-profit organization, identify a fiscal sponsor or request assistance from HLF staff to do so.
⇒ Complete HLF’s online LOI that includes:
→ Background information about your group or organization.
→ A short explanation of your proposed work.
→ A program budget with an organizational budget (if applicable).
→ Collaboration information.
⇒ Ask for assistance with the LOI/application process when needed.
⇒ Submit the completed LOI/application on or before the submission deadline and respond to requests for additional information promptly.
⇒ Be prepared to meet virtually or in person to provide additional information on the proposed program and about your organization and work generally.
⇒ Be prepared to start the approved program in a timely manner to ensure completion within the approved grant timeline.
⇒ Agree to submit a final grant report and account for all expenses related to the grant by including and tracking receipts and payments as well as meet the terms of any fiscal sponsorship agreement.
⇒ Act as a responsible steward of the funding as well as an ambassador to the community.
⇒ Provide feedback on the application, implementation, and reporting phases of the grant process to help improve future funding opportunities.
⇒ Be prepared to share ideas with other funded groups and identify areas of synergy and shared impact.