Our Recent Grantmaking


2024 Neighborhood Opportunity Grants
2024 Community Grants

Two Year Grants:

  • $10,000 to The Literacy Cooperative over two years to support Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program in Lakewood by providing free books to enrolled children from birth through age five.
  • $12,500 to Cleveland Rape Crisis Center over two years for Sexual Violence Prevention education classes at both Garfield and Harding Middle Schools in Lakewood.
  • $20,000 to Reach Out and Read Greater Cleveland over two years for evidence-based literacy programming during annual child wellness visits (infancy- age 5) embedded in three Lakewood pediatric practices and the Cleveland Clinic’s Family Medicine Residency Program.
  • $35,000 to Asian Services in Action, Inc. (ASIA) over two years for support to newcomer and refugee residents in Lakewood through food resources, parenting groups, summer and after school programming for school-age children, translation services, and additional wraparound services.
  • $40,000 to Journey Center for Safety and Healing over two years for the Justice System Advocacy Program (JSAP) for domestic violence victim advocacy in the Lakewood Municipal Court. Funding also supports training for Lakewood police officers, domestic violence education classes, safety planning, and connections to resources in the community.
  • $50,000 to LakewoodAlive over two years for the Senior Outreach and Support (SOS) Program, offering comprehensive services that includes aging in place assessments, low-cost home improvements, and other community resources for senior residents to increase their safety at home.
  • $80,000 to Lakewood Community Services Center (LCSC) over two years for their food delivery program that provides essential home-delivery and benefits enrollment to low-income individuals and families in Lakewood.
  • $80,000 to Neighborhood Family Practice over two years for patient advocacy services at the North Coast Community Health Center in Lakewood to increase access to care, improve health outcomes, and connect patients to culturally appropriate care and services, regardless of ability to pay.

One Year Grants:

  • $10,000 to Lakewood YMCA for teen membership scholarships and a mentorship and social program to promote mental, physical, and emotional health among teens in Lakewood, especially during out of school hours.
  • $15,000 to Barton Center for the Healthy Connections Program, offering free, regular low-impact physical activities and social opportunities for seniors, including art and music therapy, chair yoga, tai-chi, community events, and more.
  • $15,000 to Haus of Transcendent (HOT) for expanding services to the LGBTQ+ community in Lakewood, including health outreach and educational materials and continuation of their Emergency Help program.
  • $15,000 to Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio (PPGOH)for the expansion of evidence-based sexual health curriculum for Lakewood high school students enrolled in in-school health education.
2024 System-Change Grants

Two Year Grants:

One Year Grants:

  • $30,000 to Lakewood Community Services Center to conduct a comprehensive study of their internal emergency food program in order to evaluate their current food supply model for efficiency and effectiveness.
  • $30,000 to The Land to pilot their Community Journalism Program in Lakewood, pairing residents with professional journalists. The program provides training and compensation for them to leverage their local expertise as community reporters who share stories from their neighborhoods, fostering civic engagement and positive change. HLF has no editorial review, control, or influence over content published through this program.
2024 Emergency Grants
  • $13,000 to the City of Lakewood’s Department of Human Services for emergency gift cards for grocery replenishment to those impacted by the power outages of August 2024. 
  • $1,500 to Barton Center to help cover food costs for the many meals they provided their residents during the August 2024 power outages.


2023 Funding
2023 Neighborhood Opportunity Grants
2023 Community Grants
  • $10,000 to Reach Out and Read Greater Cleveland for evidence-based literacy programming during annual child wellness visits (infancy- age 5) embedded in three Lakewood pediatric practices and the Cleveland Clinic’s Family Medicine Residency Program.
  • $20,000 to Journey Center for Safety and Healing for the Justice System Advocacy Program (JSAP) in Lakewood for domestic violence victim advocacy, support groups, safety planning, assistance with protection orders, and connections to resources in the community.
  • $20,000 to Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio (PPGOH) for the expansion of evidence-based sexual health curriculum for Lakewood high school students enrolled in in-school health education.
  • $25,000 to LakewoodAlive for Project Safe Senior programming that offers aging-in-place assessments, low cost/high-impact home improvements, and community resources and referrals for senior residents to increase their safety at home. Additional funding for data management and program evaluation.
  • $25,000 to Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU) for the 2024 Summer Youth Employment Program that secures and mentors Lakewood high school students in meaningful and skill-building summer employment.
  • $40,000 to the Lakewood Community Services Center (LCSC) for the 2024 Summer Lunch and Enrichment Program that offers recreational, socialization, and educational opportunities to income-eligible families with free nutritious meals provided to Lakewood campers in grades K-5.
  • $40,000 to Neighborhood Family Practice for patient advocacy services at the North Coast Community Health Center in Lakewood that increase access to care, enhance health care delivery, and to improve health outcomes.
2023 System-Change Grants
2023 Additional Funding
2022 Funding

2022 Neighborhood Opportunity Grants

  • $3,150 to Friends of Madison Park for the Little Free Locker Room of shared playground equipment and the community garden at Madison Park.
  • $3,150 to GardenWalk Lakewood to promote the beautification of neighborhoods, spread gardening knowledge, and inspire home gardeners in the community.
  • $5,000 to Beck Center for the Arts to support the Super Saturday @ Beck Center for the Arts programming.
  • $5,000 to The Family Room, a program of the City of Lakewood’s Department of Human Services, for the New Parent Support Group, providing feeding, lactation, and general care support to families of infants and babies.
  • $5,000 to Lakewood High School Student Philanthropy Club to teach and engage high school students in philanthropy, empowering their decision-making and engagement in the Lakewood community.
  • $5,250 to Lakewood Black Caucus to build capacity, allyship and support for the mental health of black residents in Lakewood.
  • $7,000 to Lakewood Young Filmmakers Academy to support the production of a streaming TV program that will offer educational socially conscious episodes written and produced by youth for youth.
  • $9,000 to LGBTQ+ Community Health and Wellness Foundation for capacity building support for a Silver Sneakers program at the Field House. (Paid in 2023)
  • $9,500 to the City of Lakewood Department of Human Services to start a composting and education program at Cove Community Center.
  • $9,800 to H20 “Help to Others” for the HOME ALONE program, a safety course for Lakewood youth ages 9-12 and an adult caregiver.
  • $10,000 to Gigi’s Playhouse Cleveland to support GiGiFIT which supports participants with Down syndrome to be more independent and confident in their abilities while improving their strength and health.
  • $10,000 to the HELP Foundation, Inc. to provide exercise opportunities at the Lakewood YMCA and cooking and nutrition education to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities at the Lakewood Adult Day Services program.
  • $10,000 to The Literacy Cooperative to support Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program in Lakewood by providing free books to enrolled children from birth through age 5.
  • $10,000 to Trials for Hope for community meals, basic care items, and outreach to unsheltered people to provide basic services to vulnerable populations.
  • $10,500 to Lakewood Outdoor Basketball Committee (LOBC) for the Youth Mentor and Violence Prevention Program at the Lakewood public basketball courts.

2022 Community Grants

1-year funding:

  • $6,000 to the Lakewood Public Library to offer Connecting for Kids programming (serving families in Northeast Ohio with concerns about their child) at the Main and Madison Branch Libraries.
  • $8,000 to the Lakewood City Schools Community Recreation and Education Department to provide free swimming lessons through its Learn-to-Swim program to families experiencing economic barriers and to increase access to swim programs for English Language Learning families.
  • $10,000 to Reach Out and Read Greater Cleveland to support evidence-based literacy programming during child wellness visits embedded in three Lakewood pediatric practices.
  • $10,300 to Madison Court Community Coalition (MC3) for planned community events at the Madison Court Basketball and to create a paid student internship position to increase programming capacity.
  • $15,000 to LakewoodAlive to support Project Safe Senior, including the installation of Knox Boxes to increase safety for older adult residents.
  • $20,000 to Emerald Development & Economic Network, EDEN, Inc. (EDEN) to improve incentives, resources, and relationships with Lakewood landlords with the goal of increasing affordable housing options for home insecure and disabled community members.
  • $25,000 to the West 117th Foundation, Inc. to support the development of the LGBTQIA+ Youth Sports League to create inclusive and affirming sports programming for Northeast Ohio LGBTQIA+ identifying youth.
  • $25,000 to Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU) for the Lakewood Summer Youth Employment Program that secures and mentors high school students in meaningful and skill-building summer employment.
  • $39,155 to the Lakewood Community Services Center (LCSC)  for its Summer Lunch and Enrichment Program that addresses food insecurity during summer months for low-income families and creates socialization, education, and recreational opportunities for children.
  • $40,000 to Neighborhood Family Practice to support a patient advocate at the North Coast Community Health Center to identify and remove barriers to increase access to care, enhance the overall quality of care delivered, and to improve health outcomes.

2-year funding:

  • $30,000 to Asian Services in Action, Inc. (ASIA) over two years for support to immigrant and refugee residents in Lakewood through food resources, public benefit enrollment assistance, translation services, and case management.
  • $80,000 over two years to the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland for legal assistance for issues related to health, safety, and economic security with special focus given to older adults.

2022 System-Change Grants

  • $64,865 for capacity building support for the Neighborhood Paramedic Program of the City of Lakewood to provide a proactive care through EMS home visits to prevent trip-and-fall situations of senior citizens within their residencies.

2022 Covid-Response Funding

  • $5,000 to Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corporation to support the community-based 2022 Holiday Food Drive.
  • $10,000 to Connecting for Kids (CFK) for a community research project conducted in collaboration with Lakewood area organizations. CFK seeks to understand the needs of and increase access to programming and services for families of children who have disabilities, mental health issues and/or barriers to learning after programming disruptions due to the pandemic.
  • $10,000 to Lakewood City Schools to continue support of the Coordinated Care Project to offer individualized support to families experiencing barriers and lack of access to basic needs.
  • $55,000 to Lakewood Community Services Center for food assistance for Lakewood residents in 2022 and 2023

2022 Additional Funding

2021 Funding

2021 Covid-Response Funding

  • $1,000 to LakewoodAlive for safe outdoor children’s play area during Light Up Lakewood event.
  • $4,000 to the Barton Senior Center for an internet connectivity pilot for senior residents of the Westerly apartments.
  • $15,000 to Asian Services in Action, Inc. (ASIA) for COVID-related relief for Lakewood residents who are immigrants or refugees.
  • $15,000 to Lakewood City Schools to support the Coordinated Care Project to offer individualized support to families experiencing barriers and lack of access to basic needs.
  • $16,650 to the West 117 Foundation for strategic planning process for newly formed Board of Directors for 3-5 year organizational and program planning during and emerging from the Covid pandemic.
  • $25,000 to the YMCA of Greater Cleveland to support capacity to provide school-day care for Lakewood’s elementary school-age children while learning is remote or hybrid for the period of January through March 2021.
  • $30,000 to the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland for services and outreach to Lakewood residents.
  • $35,000 to Lakewood Community Services Center for food assistance for Lakewood residents for the period of February through June 2021.
  • $56,038 to Ohio Guidestone to provide wraparound student mental health support in Lakewood City Schools
2020 Funding

2020 Covid-Response Funding