About the Foundation

The Healthy Lakewood Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity. The Healthy Lakewood Foundation was created to ensure remaining assets from the conversion of the Lakewood Hospital will continue to benefit the health and well-being of residents in the City of Lakewood.

We honor the legacy of Lakewood Hospital and are committed to a path forward that ensures everyone in Lakewood can achieve their fullest health potential. It is with this spirit that we work to build trust and responsibly steward funds that will support health and well-being for the benefit of the Lakewood community and its residents for generations to come.


Lakewood is a place where all people achieve their fullest health potential.


To advance programs, policies, and practices that inspire a Lakewood community in which health and well-being are reflected in all aspects of life.

Background image submitted by Kayleigh Connors



In 2024, the Healthy Lakewood Foundation (HLF) distributed $419,329 through three established grant processes: Community grants supporting local programs, Neighborhood Opportunity grants focusing on hyperlocal projects, and Systems grants addressing structural changes.

Working with April Walker, founder and CEO of Philanthropy for the People, HLF developed an equity framework to ensure a fair and inclusive distribution of funds. This framework will guide HLF’s grantmaking starting in 2025.

Over 70 Lakewood residents and community partners gathered at Cove Community Center in September for HLF’s Annual Community Meeting. Guest speaker April Walker discussed the new equitable framework and led a discussion on improving nonprofit-philanthropic partnerships. Participants contributed specific recommendations and observations on community issues, which HLF will incorporate into its 2025 strategic plan.

HLF continues to partner with the City of Lakewood Administration, the City Council, the Lakewood City School District, the Three Arches Foundation, and non-profits to address issues identified in the 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment. HLF partnered with local groups to develop the Lakewood Community Resource Guide to increase awareness of the programs and support available in the community.


In 2023, the Healthy Lakewood Foundation (HLF) continued its comprehensive grantmaking strategy, focusing on its three core grants programs (Community, Neighborhood Opportunity, and Systems) during the year. HLF’s grantmaking in 2023 totaled $394,808.

HLF created and hired a part-time Foundation and Grants Coordinator position to support its administrative and grantmaking processes.

On September 20, 2023, HLF held its fifth annual Community Meeting in person, drawing over 70 Lakewood residents and stakeholders to hear updates on HLF’s work and progress over the past year, ask questions of the Board and staff, and provide feedback.

HLF updated its Community Engagement Accountability Plan which provides the standards and practices to which the Foundation will be accountable in engaging with and incorporating feedback from the Lakewood community.

Through its Learning, Evaluation, and Assessment Committee, HLF conducted a community feedback survey which integrated stakeholder and grantee input into four key recommendations for improved communications, collaboration, and grantmaking processes.


In 2022, Healthy Lakewood Foundation initiated a comprehensive grantmaking strategy that applies the social determinants of health framework to address the structural, economic, physical, and social conditions of the community. The HLF Board of Directors granted $524,500 to 31 Lakewood-serving organizations through four different grant processes: Community, Neighborhood Opportunity, Systems-Change, and Covid-Response Grants.

The HLF Board appointed two new community members to the Board and staff were hired for the newly developed Grants Coordinator role.  HLF participated as a Steering Committee member of the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) process, which produced a comprehensive report and action plan in 2022. 

Additionally, HLF hosted its 4th annual community meeting in person that featured conversations with HLF’s grantee partners, key findings from the CHNA report, and updates from the Foundation.


HLF continued grantmaking focused on community needs stemming from the COVID pandemic. HLF Board members and staff continued to meet with community leaders and service providers to identify additional and ongoing funding opportunities, providing grants at various intervals throughout the year.

In June, HLF hired its inaugural executive director, and in partnership with the City of Lakewood and the Three Arches Foundation, HLF joined the Steering Committee of the Lakewood Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) project. A 16-month process, the CHNA focuses on the social determinants of health as key factors impacting health outcomes and disparities, and the findings from the study will inform HLF’s strategy and collaborative efforts.

At its July retreat, the Board revisited grantmaking strategy approved in 2020 and determined that it should be implemented in 2022. HLF held its third annual meeting virtually and worked with grantees to produce short videos highlighting their Covid-related programming that was supporting community members during the pandemic.


Early in the year, HLF appointed officers and elected leadership. The Strategic Framework, which sets guidelines and priorities for funding over the next three years and includes other guiding principles were adopted. As part of the Strategic Framework, HLF decided to operate in perpetuity to serve the Lakewood community.

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, in March HLF decided to pivot its funding plans and priorities. HLF identified organizations that could quickly meet the demands of our community members most in need and made the initial round of grants in March. For the 2020 grant-making cycle, HLF is committed to providing proactive funding to meet community needs related to the COVID-19 crisis.


HLF developed priorities and organizational guidelines in alignment with the mission, vision, and values. HLF continued proactive Board education. Throughout the year Board Members collaborated with Strategy Plus Action, a consulting firm, to support HLF through the development of its initial focus, grant-making strategy, and administration. Priorities for a three-year funding cycle were identified and the framework for operating, grant-making, and other policies were formed.

HLF also held its inaugural community meeting in September at the Woman’s Club Pavilion in Lakewood Park. Over 75 community members gathered to learn and share ideas.


The Healthy Lakewood Foundation (HLF) was established in September 2018 as part of the master agreement following the closing of Lakewood Hospital. HLF was formed from the Foundation Planning Task Force and through their recommendation to the City of Lakewood and the Lakewood Hospital Association.

During the first year, the board determined its initial governance structure and established committees to address specific issues. HLF secured insurance and established a banking relationship. HLF embarked on a proactive Board education process to create a common and thorough understanding of our community and philanthropic fundamentals, as well as the challenges and opportunities related to health and wellness.